





Yozo Ayabeさんのフェイスブック投稿より

FBFの皆様、おはよう御座います♪本日も宜しくお願い致します。❣️❣️ English and Japanese.
Peace declared in America・❣️
トランプ大統領 ・ホワイト・ハット・同盟に感謝。❣️
6 世代にわたるアメリカ人は、「自分たちの」政府を装った何かによって食い物にされ、脅迫され、嫌がらせを受けてきました。
これは、2 つの連邦下請け業者によって運営される代理政府です。
でも、何か気づきませんか? 私が欠けているものを見ることができますか?
あなたは自律的であるべきです。 あなたはあなたの政府を運営することになっています。
それで、私たちはずっと前に何がうまくいかなかったのかを理解しました。 それから月桂樹のほこりを払い、仕事に取り掛かりました。
そして、私たちは友人や隣人 (話を聞いてくれる人) と話し、何がうまくいかなかったかを説明し、その過程で多くのことを学びました...そして私たちが持つべき政府について、あなたは政府を組織しました。
1つだけ問題があります。 私たちはそれをサポートします。 私たちはそれに時間とお金を投資します。 私たちはそれを構築し、復元しています。 私たちは「仕事」をします。
あなたを守る政府、あなたから盗んだり、嫌がらせをしたり、脅迫したり、危害を加えたりしない政府が欲しいなら、あなたの政府を支持し、それに参加し、あなたのお金で政府を支持してください. それはあなたのスキルとあなたの時間です。
私たちはあなたの政府の回復を促進し、平和維持軍とスタッフに資金を提供し、州議会を運営し、あなたの政府が機能するはずの方法で政府を機能させます. 私たちは、あなたと政府の家族があなたを守るためのプロジェクトを集めています。
そして、あなたの政府がこれらの結果を保証していることを知っておいてください. 今説明したことよりも重要なことは何ですか? 他の何かに投資することで、どのような大きな利益を得ることができますか? .
Good morning to all FBF members♪ Thank you for your continued support today. ❣️❣️
Peace declared in America・❣️
Peace has been declared in America! ❣️
"Japan can also welcome the end of World War II with this ❣️"
Thanks to President Trump, the White Hats, and the Alliance. ❣️❣️❣️
Six generations of Americans have been preyed upon, intimidated and harassed by something masquerading as "their" government.
It's not our government.
This is a proxy government run by two federal subcontractors.
So these people are indirectly our employees, but they are instructed what to do by foreign governments controlled by foreign principals.
These foreign governments contract to provide us with certain listed "government services."
They exercise our own "delegated authority" and operate "in our name."
They are supposed to operate under restrictions and in accordance with an employment contract called the Constitution.
Instead, they have colluded to circumvent their constitutional obligations.
And they have blackmailed us, misled our political status, and misled our employees to impersonate us and deceive us.
So instead of protecting us, these hired helpers have been operating in betrayal of trust and harming us.
They did the exact opposite of what your government should do.
But do you notice anything? Can you see what I'm missing?
you should be autonomous. You are supposed to run your government.
not your employer.
So we realized what went wrong long ago. Then I dusted off my laurel and got down to business.
And we talked to our friends and neighbors (who would listen), explained what had gone wrong, and learned a lot along the way...and the government we should have, So you organized your government.
I have only one problem. we support it. We invest time and money into it. We are building and restoring it. We do "work".
But where are you?
If you want a government that will protect you, a government that won't steal from you, harass you, threaten you, or harm you, support your government, join it, and support it with your money. It's time to do and your skills and your time.
We facilitate the recovery of your government, fund our peacekeepers and staff, run our state legislatures, and make your government function the way your government is supposed to function. We are collecting projects to make - you and the government family to protect you.
When you return to the land and earth where you were born and raised and begin to breathe again as a free woman or man, you will remember the American Dream and no longer carry the burden of federal (U.S.) citizenship.
Not subject to foreign statutes.
Don't worry about "federal agents" breaking down your door.
You don't have to pay "federal income tax" anymore.
There is little or no reason to visit their courts.
You will own your home and land and land as a freeholder, not a tenant.
There are no mortgages, utility bills, or property taxes.
You will be in control of your life again.
You can sleep soundly in your bed again.
And know that your government guarantees these results. What's more important than what you just described? What big returns can you realize by investing in something else?